Friday, October 21, 2011

Linear Density Count and Yarn Number

The count of a yarn a numerical expression which defines its fineness.When a engineer requires the fineness of wire ,he consults a Table of standard wire gauge values.For instance in the imperial standard wire gauge values.For instant in the imperial standard wire Gauge table we find that a wire gauge number of 10 corresponded to diameter of 0.128 in. Alternatively,by measurement of the wire diameter by a micrometer,the corresponding gauge number can be read from the table.Measurement of the diameter of yarn poses rather s different problem.Spun yarns are only roughly circular in -cross-section and irregularity in thickness is unavoidable.Filament yarns with only a small amount of twist in them are referred to as flat yarns  possibly because they flatten so easily when in contact with other more solid bodies.Since most yarns are relatively soft and compressible,the use a micrometer for diameter measurement is ruled out.Optical methods can  be used one method being described .A magnified silhouette of the yarn is projected on the screen which has a scal graduated in thousands of yarns inch.The object of this testis not a determined in thousand of yarn count inch.

One special Section of the textile industry,The cordage and rope making trade,use a counting system related to the cross-section area of the yarn: The count  of the yarn is the number of such yarns which are required to from one strand of a three-strand 3 in circumference rope.This is an unusual approach used for a particular job and is not met with in the normal run of thing.

Direct And  Indirect System of yarn Numbering:

A definition of yarn above contain the phrases 'mass per unit length 'and 'length per unit mass' indicating that two basic principal are employed.

Direct System In a direct system yarn counting system the yarn number or count is the weight of a unit length of yarn.The units of weight and length very from trade to trade and district to district, a state of affairs which results in a multiplicity of counting systems.This will be looked into shortly but for the moment we will consider a general formula which applies to all direct systems.

Let N = The yarn Number or count.
     W = The weight of the sample at the official regain in the units of the system.
      L = The length of the sample ,and
      l  = The unit of length of the system.

Example.If asking of 100 m of filament viscose yarn weight 1.67g Calculate its denier.
In the denier system the weight unit is the gram and the 'Unit of length' is 9000m.The denier of yarn is the weight in gram of 9000 m.Thus W=1.67g, L=100m, and l=9000m.There fore

Indirect System:
In an indirect system the yarn number or count is the number of  "Units of length" per  "Unit of weight".Here again there are various units of length and weight and numerous systems.Generalizing:
Let N = The yarn Number or count.
     W = The weight of the sample at the official regain in the units of the system.
      L = The length of the sample ,and
      l  = The unit of length of the system.

Example:A lea (120 yd) of cotton yarn weight 25 gr, calculate its count in the cotton system.

In this case the  " unit of length is the hank ,840 yd, and the "unit of weight" is 1 lb there are 7000 gr.Hence L = 120 yd,  l = 840  yd ,W = 25 / 7000 lb, and w = 1 lb

 Counting System:

Table gives the value of the unit of length and weight used in some direct and in direct system of yarn numbering- a curious Table it look,too!.The name of of some will suggest to the reader that one of the reasons for this diversity is geographical.The textile industry grew up in different localities and each chose its own systems to suit local condition.Conversion from one system to another system is achieved by conversion factors and constant.Where a direct to a direct system,or an indirect to an indirect system is concerned, a multiplying conversion factors is used.

Direct System

System Unit Of Mass Unit of length
Tex Gram Killometer
Denier Gram 9000 meters
Linen (dry-spun) ,Hemp,Jute, Pound 14,400 yards
Jute Dram 1000 meters
Woollen (Aberdeen) Pound 14,400 yards
Woollen (American grain) Grain 20 yards

Indirect System

System Unit Of Length Unit of Mass
Asbestoes ( American) 100 yards (Cut) Poun
Asbestoes ( British) 50 yards Pound
Cotton bump yarn 840 yards Ounce
Cotton (British) 840 yards (Hank) Pound
Cotton (American) 1000 meters 0.5 killograme
Cotton (Continental) 100 yards Pound
Glassb (U S A and U K) 300 yards (Lea) Pound
Linen (Wet- spun) Killometer Killograme
Metric 840 yards (Hank) Pound
Spun Silk 11,520 yards(spyndle) 24 Pound
Woollen (American cut) 300 yards (cut) Pound
Woollen (American run) 100 yards Ounce
Woollen (Dewsbury) 100 yards Ounce
Woollen (Galashiels) 300 yards (cut) 24 Ounce
Woollen (Hawick) 300 yards (cut) 26 Ounce
Woollen (West of England) 300 yards (cut) Pound
Woollen (Yorkshire) 320 yards (snap) Pound
Woollen (Yorkshire) 326 yards (skein) Dram
Worsted 560 yard (Hank) Pound

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